
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cadbury World

The forecast for this past Friday was 100% rain and Craig had the day off. So, we decided to visit Cadbury World in Birmingham. 

Before I go anywhere new, I always go to Trip Advisor to see people's reviews. There were people complaining about not receiving enough free chocolate, only good for kids- boring for adults and on and on. Though I always visit Trip Advisor, it does not deter me from visiting!

As you start the tour they give you three full sized candy bars each, so we got 12 big candy bars! How is that not enough "free chocolate"?! 

As you enter the tour they have a timeline of the cocoa bean being discovered by natives and then you enter life in Birmingham when the company was founded in 1824.  You then sit down and watch a film about the company's history. 

It was fun to learn how creme eggs and different chocolates are moulded, also to see all their paper and TV advertisements throughout the years. We were able to see real factory production going on. The best bit though? They give you a cup of melted dairy milk and you can mix in some toppings! ...that alone was worth going! 

We had Cole on Craig all day in the sling. After you watch the shows and hands on fun there is a factory tour that is a 1/4 mile walk. You are not allowed to take strollers through that part, due to the steep steps. So we decided to just let the stroller in the car all day.  But, take your stroller for the rest of it, it is a long (but very nice) day. Cole and Craig were exhausted by the end of the day. 

There were a ton of interactive activities for kids! Cece loved it. 

Unfortunately because of the nonstop rain, they did not have any characters out to get pictures with! Which, I was really looking forward to!  With it being the school holidays here, it was very busy. But, they had everything running smoothly and once you started the tour, you did not even realise how busy it was. There is a little ride to go on which we had to wait about a half hour and there is also a 4D experience show which we had to wait for forty minutes. But, overall it was a good day. 

They have the "Cadbury Cafe". Which was another thing I was looking forward to see what they served, but it just had some sandwiches and brownies... I thought there was going to be a huge chocolatey dessert selection! 

Overall, it was a great British day out! If you are a Cadbury lover (who isn't?) you need to visit.  From the moment you step out of your car til the moment you leave it smells of chocolate, a cup of melted dairy milk and fun for the kids... What more do you want?

What are some great truly British day trips in the UK that you would suggest for us to do? Please share!


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